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7/12/2022 | ASHRAE publishes a new "Design Guide for Combustion Turbine Inlet Cooling." Dharam Punwani (President, Avalon Consulting, Inc.) is the primary author of the design guide, jointly funded by ASHRAE and the Turbine Inlet Cooling Association (TICA).It is now available at the ASHRAE Bookstore |
5/22/2022 | Dharam Punwani's article "Turbine inlet cooling: First step on the pathway to net zero emissions,"published in the Combined Cycle Journal in May 2022. A copy of the article is available.) |
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11/18/2021 | Dharam Punwani, co-presented a webinar "Turbine Inlet Cooling Technologies and their Benefits for Cogeneration and CHP, and Featuring a Case Study of the Turbine Inlet Cooling System at Midland Cogeneration Venture, Midland, Michigan," on November 18. The webinar was hosted by the Midwest Cogeneration Association. More Information |
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6/29/2020 | Dharam Punwani (President, Avalon Consulting, Inc.) presented a technical seminar, "An Overview of the ASHRAE Updated Design Guide for Combustion Turbine Inlet Cooling," at the 2020 ASHRAE Virtual Conference (June 29 - July 2). The recorded presentation of the seminar will be available on-demand through December 31, 2021. |
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1/12/2019 |
ASHRAE Honored Dharam Punwani (President, Avalon Consulting, Inc.) with the ASHRAE Fellow Award in Atlanta, GA. This award is presented to those who have achieved distingtion in one of the areas of interest to ASHRAE (~57,000 members, established in 1894). So far nearly 500 members have been honored with this award. |
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3/20/2018 | Presented a paper at Electric Power Conference, Nashville, TN, "Enhancing Capacity and Efficiency of Combustion Turbines during Hot Weather using Turbine Inlet Cooling: Update on All Technologies.” | |
3/19/2018 | Presented a paper at Western Turbine Users Conference , Palm Springs, CA, “Turbine Inlet Cooling: Updates on All Technologies and Resources for Combustion Turbine Users.” | |
12/6/2017 | Presented a paper at POWER-GEN International Conference, Las Vegas, NV,“Enhancing Capacity and Efficiency of Combustion Turbines during Hot Weather using Turbine Inlet Cooling: Update on All Technologies.” | |
4/9/2014 | Presented a Webinar sponsored by the Turbine Inlet Cooling Association, "“Turbine Inlet Cooling for Increasing Capacity and Reducing Emissions During Hot Weather," | |
7/2/2012 | Presebted a Paper, "Turbine Inlet Cooling Case Study for an Industrial CHP System for Multiple Buildings in the Midwest," at the International District Energy Association Conference | |
6/20/2012 | Presented a Webinar, "Turbine Inlet Cooling: An Overview," Sponsored by the Turbine Inlet Cooling Association | |
10/10/2011 | Presented a Paper " Benefits of Turbine Inlet Cooling and Thermal Energy Storage for CHP and Cogeneration Systems' | |
08/25/2011 | Presented a Webinar "Turbine Inlet Cooling Technologies and Applications for Optimizing Cogeneration/CHP Systems' | |
06/08/2011 | Presented a Paper, "Turbine Inlet Cooling for Power Augmentation: An Overview," at ASME Turbo Expo 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada | |
05/10/2011 | Presented a Paper, "Zero-Emission Electricity Generation from Fossil-Fuel Systems: Market Potential, Technologies and Examples," at Electric Power 2011 | |
05/06/2011 | Presented a Paper, "Optimizing Clean Energy Systems
with Thermal Energy Storage and/or Turbine Inlet Cooling" at the U.S. Clean Heat & Power (USCHPA) Forum 2011 |
01/30/2011 | Avalon Consulting President, Dharam Punwani, Elected to the Board of Directors of the Midwest Cogeneration Association | |
01/26/2010 | ASHRAE Honored President of Avalon Consulting with the 2010 George B. Hightower Technical Achievement Award | |
01/26/2010 | Contributed a Chapter in a book,"Sustainable On-Site CHP Systems," Published by McGraw-Hill | |
12/07/2009 | Presented a Paper, "Hybrid and LNG Systems for Turbine Inlet Cooling," at the "Turbine Inlet Cooling" Pre-Conference Course Offered by POWER-GEN 2009, Las Vegas, NV | |
06/26/2009 | Co-developed the "Guidebook for the Permitting of Coal Gasification Facilities in Illinois," Published by the Illinois Clean Coal Institute. | |
06/18/2009 | Presented a Tutorial, "BIOGAS 101: Production and Applications," to the Members of the Energy Solutions Center, Salt Lake City, UT | |
03/30/2009 | Co-Developed a Project Profile, “CHP System at the Janesville Wastewater Treatment Facility, Janesville, WI,” for the U.S. DOE’s Midwest CHP Application Center | |
08/25/2008 | “CHP System at the Rochester Wastewater Reclamation Plant, Rochester, MN,” a project profile developed for the U.S. DOE’s Midwest CHP Application Center, August 2008 | |
05/07/2008 | Presented a Paper, “Impact of Turbine Inlet Cooling Technologies on Capacity Augmentation and Decrease in Carbon Footprint for Power Production,” at Electric Power 2008, Baltimore, MD. | |
05/06/2008 | Presented a Paper, “Technologies and Economics of Turbine Inlet Cooling Application in Cogeneration,” at the Midwest Cogeneration Association Conference, Countryside, IL | |
11/19/2007 | Co-authored a Resource Guide, "Combined Heat & Power Applications for Hospitals," Developed for Published by the U.S. DOE Midwest CHP Application Center. | |
02/27/2006 | Co-authored a Paper, “To Cool Or Not To Cool,” Published in Power Engineering | |
12/06/2005 | Presented a Paper, “Turbine Inlet Cooling for Power Augmentation in Combined Heat & Power (CHP) Systems,” at POWER-GEN International 2005, Las Vegas, NV. | |
11/28/2005 | Co-authored a Paper, “Unearthing Hidden Treasure,” Published in Power Engineering, November 2005 | |
10/04/2005 | Presented a Short Course, “Distributed Generation and Cogeneration,” for the Staff and Customers of The Southern California Gas Company. | |
10/04/2005 | Presented a Short Course, “Natural Gas-Fired Cooling,” for the Staff and Customers of The Southern California Gas Company. | |
10/04/2005 | Presented a Short Course, “Building Energy Analyzer Software,” for the Staff and Customers of The Southern California Gas Company. | |
09/26/2005 | Co-authored the Second Edition of the Resource Guide, “Combined Heat and Power Resource Guide,” Developed for and Published by the U.S. DOE Midwest CHP Application Center. | |
09/19/2005 | Published a Paper, “Turbine Inlet Cooling Benefits Plant Owners and the Environment,” in POWER, September 2005. | |
06/27/2005 | Co-authored a Chapter, “Cogeneration Systems,” for the Natural Gas-Fired Cooling Technologies and Economics, a Textbook Developed for the Gas Technology Institute | |
06/27/2005 | Co-authored a Chapter, “Building Energy Analyzer,” for the Natural Gas-Fired Cooling Technologies and Economics, a Textbook Developed for the Gas Technology Institute. | |
06/27/2005 | Co-edited a Textbook, "Natural Gas-Fired Cooling Technologies and Economic," for the Gas Technology Institute. | |
11/15/2004 | Developed and Taught a Training Course, “Combined Heat and Power Systems Training Course,” for the Gas Technology Institute. | |
12/1/2004 | Turbine Inlet Cooling Association (TICA) Reprints Turbine Inlet Cooling Articles Published in Energy-Tech. | |
06/25/2004 | Published an Article, “Hybrid & LNG Systems for Turbine Inlet Cooling,” in Energy-Tech. | |
09/27/2004 | Co-Authored a Report, "Database of U.S. Combined Heat & Power Installations Incorporating Thermal Energy Storage and/or Turbine Inlet Cooling,” for the U.S. Department of Energy. | |
06/28/2004 | Published an Article, “Chiller Technologies for Turbine Inlet Cooling- Part 2,” Energy-Tech. | |
4/26/2004 | Published an Article, “Chiller Technologies for Turbine Inlet Cooling,” in Energy-Tech. | |
2000 Thru 2004 | Developed Web-based Tutorials, “Gas Cooling and Desiccant Dehumidification Systems,” for the Cooling Solutions Fund Members of the Gas Technology Institute. | |
2000 Thru 2004 | Developed 14 Web-based Calculators, “Gas Cooling Application Savings Calculators,” for 14 locations of interest to the members of the Cooling Solution Fund of the Gas Technology Institute. | |
12/15/2003 | Published an Article, “An Introduction to Turbine Inlet Cooling,” in Energy-Tech, | |
10/20/2003 | Completed a CHP Case Study, “University of Texas at Austin, TX” for the Gas Technology Institute. | |
10/27/2003 | “GT Inlet Air Cooling Boosts Output on Warm Days to Increase Revenues,” published in the Combined-Cycle Journal, October 2003. | |
09/29/2003 | Co-authored a Resource Guide, “Combined Heat and Power,” developed for and published by the U.S. DOE Midwest CHP Application Center. | |
06/23/2003 | Developed a Brief Tutorial, “Turbine Inlet Cooling Technologies & Economics,” and Posted it on the Web site of the Turbine Inlet Cooling Association. | |
06/30/2003 | Presented a Webinar, “Building Energy Analyzer Training Seminar,” to the Members of the Cooling Solutions Fund members of the Gas Technology Institute. | |
01/27/2003 | Presented a Paper, “Turbine Inlet Cooling: A Great Strategy for Maximizing the Potential of Combustion Turbines and Addressing the Needs of Restructuring Energy Market,” at the ASHRAE Seminar on Technical, Energy and Government Issues Update, Chicago, IL. | |
01/28/2002 | Presented a Paper, “Impact of Turbine Inlet Cooling on Power Availability in California,” at the ASHRAE Seminar on Combustion Turbine Inlet Cooling, Atlantic City, NJ. | |
2001 | Published a Paper, “A Hybrid System for Combustion Turbine Inlet Cooling for a Cogeneration Plant in Pasadena, TX,” in the ASHRAE Transactions Vol.107, Part 1, 2001. | |
11/12/2001 | Co-authored a Poster Presentation, “Absorption Chiller Application for Power Generation: A Case Study for a 316-MW Cogeneration Plant in Pasadena, Texas (USA),” at the International Gas Research Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 2001. | |
01/22/2001 | Presented a Paper, “A Hybrid System for Combustion Turbine Inlet Cooling at a Cogeneration Plant in Pasadena, Texas,” at the ASHRAE Symposium on Combustion Turbine Inlet Cooling, Atlanta, GA. | |
September 1999 | Published an Article,“Emerging Growth Opportunity for Sorption Heat Pumps: Power Capacity Enhancement of Gas Turbine Systems,” in International Sorption Heat Pump Newsletter, Vol.5, No.4, Fall 1999 | |
06/21/199 | Presented a Paper, “Application of Absorption Chiller for Combustion Turbine Inlet Cooling: Some Technical and Economic Analysis and Case Summaries,” at the ASHRAE Seminar on Combustion Turbine Inlet Cooling, Seattle, WA. | |
Co-authored a Presentation, "Benefits of Turbine Inlet Cooling and Thermal Energy Storage for CHP and Cogeneration Systems," (October 11, 2011) The presentation was made at the conference of the Midwest Cogeneration Association: Implementing Winning Cogeneration/CHP Projects. A copy of the presentation is available. (834 KB). |
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Webinar Presentation: Turbine Inlet Cooling Technologies and Applications for Optimizing Cogeneration / CHP Systems (August 25, 2011) The Webinar was cosponsored by the Midwest Cogeneration Association (MCA) and the US DOE Midwest Clean Energy Center. Following archived information is available: Brief Description(84KB PDF), Webinar Video and Audio (Streaming), Introduction Presentation, Feature Presentation(1MB), and Audio File Only (9MB MP3). |
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ASHRAE Honors Avalon of Avalon Consulting with the 2010 George B. Hightower Technical Achievement Award (January 26, 2010; Orlando, FL) The Technical Activities Committee of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (ASHRAE) honored Dharam V. Punwani (President, Avalon Consulting, Inc.) with the 2010 George B. Hightower Technical Achievement Award in recognition of Significant and Exceptional Service in the area of Technical Leadership and Technical Contributions. |
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Contributed a Chapter in the Book, "Sustainable On-Site CHP Systems," Published by McGraw-Hill (January 26, 2010) Contributed Chapter 7, "Carbon Footprint - Environmental Benefits and Emission Controls," in a book, "Sustainable On-Site CHP Systems: Design, Construction, and Operations." Published by McGraw-Hill.
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Co-developed the "Guidebook for the Permitting of Coal Gasification Facilities in Illinois," Published by the Illinois Clean Coal Institute. (June 26, 2009) This guidebook is intended to provide developers, investors, project managers, engineers, and others interested in advancing coal gasification technologies in Illinois with an understanding of the basic requirements, interrelationships, and early project considerations associated with acquiring necessary permits for such a project. |
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Co-authored a Resource Guide, "Combined Heat & Power Applications for Hospitals," Developed for and Published by the U.S. DOE Midwest CHP Application Center. The primary objective of this guidebook is to provide a reference document of basic information for hospital managers when considering the application of CHP systems in the healthcare industry, specifically in hospitals. |
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Co-authored a Resource Guide, "Combined Heat & Power Resource Guide," Developed for and Published by the U.S. DOE Midwest CHP Application Center The Resource Guide contains easy to find technical |
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Co-edited a Textbook, "Natural Gas-Fired Cooling Technologies and Economic," for the Gas Technology Institute. The overall objective of this textbook is to provide a comprehensive source of information on |
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TICA Publishes Reprints of TIC Articles in Energy-Tech The Turbine Inlet Cooling Association (TICA) Publishes Reprints of the Series of Turbine Inlet Cooling (TIC) Articles Published in Energy-Tech from December 2003 Through November 2004. A copy of the reprints is available.
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